Mark Doidge, BA MD

  • Dr. Doidge is a general practitioner who does counselling and psychotherapy for insomnia and fibromyalgia.
  • Worked with leading sleep specialist Dr. Harvey Moldofsky seeing fibromyalgia patients at the Centre for Sleep and Chronobiology.
  • Operated the Toronto Touch Clinic since 2014.
  • Author of book about brain waves in sleep entitled: Atlas of the Electrical Generators of Sleep. 

Committed To Your Physical and Mental Wellness

  • Former national practice of excellence award winner for relief work.
  • Founder of Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief.
  • Co-originator of the Ontario Telemedicine Network (formerly the NORTH Network). 
  • Currently 5 years into writing an encyclopedia about somatosensation (touch, pain and body sense).
  • Hobbies include brain portraits and brain movie art.
  • Patent holder and co-inventor of a robotic arm designed to test for fibromyalgia.
  • President of an EEG research company.
  • Currently developing an objective EEG test for fibromyalgia based on pressing on tender points and using artificial intelligence to find the signals (Two small pilot studies are completed. One was 88% accurate and the other was 95%.).
  • Given the COVID-19 epidemic now underway,  readers may be interested in his essay about post-traumatic  fibromyalgia in soldiers during World War I . It was brought on by the great stress of the times. See: Shell Shock by Mark Doidge.